
How to Become a LIQUIFIED Lender

For now, the best way to become a LIQUIFIED lender is to apply for our fundraising rounds. Participating in these rounds ensures that you get the best and guaranteed yield on your Ethereum investment.

In parallel to the Rounds, we will open up our platform to other lenders. Ensure you are following us on Twitter to stay up to date on any announcements.

How Does Lending Work?

Lending on LIQUIFIED places your Ether in our liquidity pool for large-cap NFTs. This is not a new concept - we have seen similar business models in decentralized exchanges like Uniswap. The innovation is that we have created the pool for NFTs in a way that ensures your NFTs are safe, and you are sent appropriate alerts when your LTV exceeds a "safe" value.

Why Lend on LIQUIFIED?

NFT Lending has become a large force in the crypto industry since the recent bull-market. Lenders, however, have not yet perfected this model to ensure that lenders consistently receive competitive yields. We solve that by focussing our business model entirely on large-cap NFTs which data shows have been more stable in price over time.

Our simple and convenient platform allows NFT holders to take out loans instantly. This creates a recurring revenue stream for LIQUIFIED, and allows us to share our profits with Ethereum lenders. Lending and borrowing has existed for hundreds of years in the form of banks - we simplified our business model to focus on Ethereum-only lending, so that yields on LIQUIFIED can remain high and consistent.

Last updated